Chew On This

cartoon image of a scowling angry ear of corn with a unibrow, captioned "unicorn"

This One's For Joel!

I was talking to an old friend who was asking what I do, and I told him, and he said: "Well, you know what you need to do...." And he...

This One's For Joel!

I was talking to an old friend who was asking what I do, and I told him, and he said: "Well, you know what you need to do...." And he...

Wild Goose Chase!

Wild Goose Chase!

Everybody likes patterns! The only people who don't like patterns are people who don't like patterns. You know I love Canada Geese, and they are ALL OVER northwest Ohio. They...

Wild Goose Chase!

Everybody likes patterns! The only people who don't like patterns are people who don't like patterns. You know I love Canada Geese, and they are ALL OVER northwest Ohio. They...

What Do You Look Like Before Your First Cup of Coffee?

What Do You Look Like Before Your First Cup of ...

This design is actually an afterthought, as it is part of a larger pattern I made. But it may make for better social media, if indeed there is such a...

What Do You Look Like Before Your First Cup of ...

This design is actually an afterthought, as it is part of a larger pattern I made. But it may make for better social media, if indeed there is such a...

I Know This Is Hard to Believe But....

I Know This Is Hard to Believe But....

Yes, it's true! And I certainly don't delight in that fact, but a fact, nevertheless, it is. However, the good news is I am some peoples' cup of tea, and they...

I Know This Is Hard to Believe But....

Yes, it's true! And I certainly don't delight in that fact, but a fact, nevertheless, it is. However, the good news is I am some peoples' cup of tea, and they...

A World Without Toaster Pastries?

A World Without Toaster Pastries?

Perish the thought. Some things are just too terrifying to even ponder.

A World Without Toaster Pastries?

Perish the thought. Some things are just too terrifying to even ponder.

Waiting On Your Blind Squirrel Moment?

Waiting On Your Blind Squirrel Moment?

Stay hopeful Crunchmouth Nation! Your ship (or nut) may soon come in!  

Waiting On Your Blind Squirrel Moment?

Stay hopeful Crunchmouth Nation! Your ship (or nut) may soon come in!